University of Cambridge withdraws application fee for doctoral applicants

Postgraduate students applying to undertake a doctoral degree at Cambridge will no longer have to pay a fee to submit their application to study...

How Pisa became the world’s most important exam

"Your education today is your economy tomorrow," says Andreas Schleicher from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, who has become one of the...

Why context matters in criminology

In Ghana, if you want to develop effective interventions you need to look at family and community dynamics and reinforce the mechanisms that help...

Cambridge Raise Science offer

Cambridge has  announced that  as  of the  2015  application  cycle  students studying Maths, Medicine, Engineering, and Science will be required to attain at least...

How Okwui Enwezor Changed the Art World

"A as in AQUA,O as in orange,L as in lemon," says the Nigerian-born museum director, curator and art critic Okwui Enwezor, talking into one...